The girl

‘The Girl’ series is about the lives we endure and unexpected emotions that arise such as anxiety, fantasy, and excitement. These emotions become our memories, which will be changed into certain shape, more beautiful than our reality. Patterns change in the background of each pot, indicating different emotions and showing movement with each footstep. The handle is indented on the vase to allow for the image to be displayed properly.

The vases express dynamic movements through 3-dimentional decorative objects. Audiences can follow the narrative progress through the perspective of footsteps. A new object is created as the female figure interacts with a fresh environment once the vase is used.

The Girl _Jug / plaster molding, slab building, hand painting, mixed clay (porcelain, stoneware, a mineral pigment) 18 x 27 x 9cm /// The Girl _Vase / coiling, mixed clay (porcelain, stoneware, a mineral pigment) 26x12x24cm


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